My speech as a guest speaker at the photography exhibition has been published today by the daily "Nayadur"
Thanks "Nayadur" 🙏
The truth is that photography is not just about capturing a scene with a camera.- Dr. (Ms) Sharad Singh, Guest Speaker, photography exhibition
It is generally believed that photography is no longer a big deal, since everyone has an Android mobile phone in their hands, but the truth is that photography is not just about capturing a scene with a camera. There needs to be a special perspective behind it. Which we often accept as the English word 'vision'. In the history of photography in Sagar, there are names of male and female photographers, but the first solo exhibition of female photographers was held recently, which opened a new door for art exhibition in this city. In my city, i.e. Sagar city of Madhya Pradesh, for the first time a solo exhibition of photographs taken by a female photographer was organized. Her name is Ms. Sandhya Sarvate. The photographs she chose for the exhibition were nature photographs. Since I am also interested in photography. I have my own photography blog named "Click Zik" and also a Facebook page "Sharad Click Talk". Nature and life photography is related to my hobby.
The solo exhibition of Sandhya Sarvate's photography was of special importance to me. She is an acquaintance of mine and has sent me some of her photographs from time to time which I liked very much. But I realized that she is so much interested in photography when I got the information about her solo exhibition of photography. It felt good to think that a woman is going to pave a way for others through her hobby of exhibition. If you see, today everyone is an amateur photographer but they do not think about exhibiting it publicly. By the way, one more thing is worth noting that in Sagar city, there is an organization named Shyamalam which is continuously providing a platform for literature, language, art and culture. Basically, this organization also gave platform to Sandhya Sarvate, encouraged her and as a result her solo exhibition of photography came true.
What is needed for photography? Just a camera. No, some time back all this was not so easy. Earlier, along with a camera, a photographer's studio was also required from where one had to buy a film roll and after clicking the photo, one had to take that roll to another photographer's studio so that it could be washed and printed. Many times one had to request him to print on glossy paper. To print sharp. Even after this, many times the prints were received in Fuji color. Earlier, it was the world of black and white photography. Earlier, there were not even cameras in every house. Camera was considered a luxury item. This situation continued till the advent of digital cameras. Digital cameras made the photography life easy to a great extent. You could connect your camera to your laptop or computer and transfer the photos directly to your device. Then it was not necessary to print all the photos. Print the photo that you like and either delete the rest or keep it in your savings account. Still, the camera could not find a place in every house. Android mobile phones have brought photography not only to every home but to every hand. Yes, the camera applications of Android mobile phones have made the photography life even easier. Now high resolution photos can be taken with the camera of a small mobile phone. Thanks to these mobiles, panorama and night vision photography have become easy. The speed of the scene is also no longer a big issue. The biggest thing is that every person has become capable of capturing his desired scene in his camera at any time.
Now comes the question of amateur and professional photography. Amateur means those who have not taken proper education in photography, who do not do photography with the intention of earning money and who can be called amateur photographers. On the other hand, professional photographers are those who do photography course, do photography to earn money and who know the nuances of photography very well. Well, it is a different matter that sometimes even amateur photographers leave professionals behind. The real world of photography is very wide. There are many types of it like nature photography, wild photography, marine photography, underwater photography, fashion photography, news photography, feature photography etc. Sandhya Sarvate has currently chosen nature photography. Her specialty is that she is multi-talented. She writes beautiful poems in Marathi, paints, makes rangoli, is associated with theatre and does rose gardening. All these hobbies of hers are not confined to the premises of her house, rather she has participated in painting and rangoli exhibitions, and has also included her photography in exhibitions. It is a pleasant event for a woman to constantly improve her qualities and bring them to the general public through various mediums of performing arts. The most special thing about her photographs displayed in the photo exhibition organized by Sandhya Sarvate was the poetic element in those photographs. When a photographer is equally connected to both nature and literature, then a poetic sense will automatically come in his photography. Seeing the twilight of the fading evening, the soft sunlight falling on the plants, the light greyness of the fog surrounding the house standing in isolation, was like reading poems. Every photograph was expressing the beauty of nature like a poem.
During the conversation, Sandhya Sarvate ji told that she does photography with her mobile phone. Actually, she got the opportunity to take photographs with a camera in her childhood. In this regard, she praises her Aai and Baba i.e. her parents that they never stopped her and gave her ample opportunity to develop her hobby.